You've had the good fortune of experiencing financial success in your life, and you've invested a great deal of it in your home. But when shopping for homeowners insurance, you may find that standard policies don't quite meet your needs. You've worked hard to build high-value estate complete with expensive furnishings and other valuables, and you deserve a specialized policy designed to cover your investments.
Our independent insurance agents are here to help. Our agents understand the exclusive needs of individuals with a higher net worth, and they're here to break down all kinds of high-value home insurance policies available. Whatever the specific value of your estate and possessions, they'll get you set up with all the coverage you need. But before we jump too far ahead, we'll start with an overview.
What Is High-Value Home Insurance?
In short, high-value home insurance is a policy that provides all the coverage offered by traditional homeowners insurance, and then goes above and beyond. Allowed coverage limits in each category are much higher than with traditional homeowners policies, which makes this type of policy perfect for individuals with luxury estates. The value of your home and possessions is factored into your specific policy.
Obviously, all homes (and the possessions within) have different total values, and your personal estate will demand coverage needs tailored specifically for you. Your policy will even provide coverage in the event that your home is badly damaged and needs to be rebuilt — up to its original value.